Bitter experiences of colonization are still being felt till date. Many wars were fought against what people considered an unfair partition of their native lands by the colonialists. The animosity between India and Pakistan today is dated back to 1947, the year of independence for the two nations. The year the colonial master- Britain- partitioned their land along religious line to create two nations and some princely autonomous states.
The two nations have always dealt with each other with distrust, accusations and counter-accusations. They have fought many wars all in the name of protecting their sovereignties. But we should ask ourselves; what are we fighting and killing each other for? What do we need sovereignty for when we are brothers? Indians should look at Pakistanis, and Pakistanis should look at Indians and see the similarities; which should we talk about; the facial similarity or the same cultural background the two nations share? The two nations have a lot in common aside the names ‘INDIA or PAKISTAN’.
We should put religious differences aside and try to see how we can accommodate peaceful resolution to this unending indo-Pakistan conflict. I support the recent bi-lateral peace talk held in Islamabad on the 23rd of June. Although it did not yield any tangible outcome just as those held before it, it shall be recorded that effort had been made. More of these meaningful meetings should be encouraged, and the leaders of the two nations should be sincere and put the interest of the general public at heart, they should take note that any fallout from the peace talk will have adverse effect on the public of the two republics.
It is high time united kingdom stood up to its responsibility, by helping and contributing to the growth of its former colonies. A peaceful world is what we crave for.